Join us for a time of prayer and action in response to the Los Angeles fires. We will deepen our understanding of the fires' impact and learn how we can best assist and be in prayerful solidarity with those most impacted.
Register Today Here. Jan. 30, 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT
Participating Episcopal and Lutheran leaders include:
The Rev. Melanie Mullen, The Episcopal Church Department of Creation Care
The Rt. Rev. John Taylor, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
The Rev. Melissa McCarthy, canon to the ordinary in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
Payton Hoegh, Bishop’s Commission on Climate Change, Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles
Regina Banks, Lutheran Office of Public Policy
The Rev. Susan Russell and Sarah Nolan, All Saints Pasadena Community Engagement
A representative from Episcopal Relief & Development
All are welcome to join prayer and action to support Los Angeles-area communities. Spanish interpretation will be available.