Red banner

Last Sunday, the Rev. Deacon Marty Garwood was disappointed but not surprised when she found that the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church’s inclusive banner had once again been the target of vandalism. On Aug. 20, the banner was cut down and stolen. An identical banner was put up on Sept. 20, which was then spray-painted red eight days later. The banner, which is predominately displayed facing the street, proclaims “You Are God’s Beloved” on a rainbow background. (See image above.)

St. Andrew’s will be leaving the vandalized banner in place for a period of time as "we feel even though it was defaced, it continues to send a message," according to Deacon Marty. “Not even spray paint will obliterate God’s message of love."

The westside Rapid City church is known for their community garden and participation in community events such as hosting Feeding South Dakota mobile food distribution, working with Woyatan Lutheran in feeding our unsheltered relatives, Pride in the Park, and Remember the Children Walk.

“We have limited resources and we want to focus on positivity and acts of service, not on repairing damage to our property,” Garwood says. 

"I have mixed feelings about suggestions of putting up a camera, because if we do, and we catch the person that is doing this, as a Church, what do we do about that?" Deacon Marty asked. "Do we prosecute somebody for defacing a $65 banner, or do we live into our commitment as a Church of love and forgiveness?

"We say, 'Love will prevail!'" she said. "Hashtag LoveWins!"

The welcome statement on St. Andrew’s website reads: "St. Andrew's Episcopal Church welcomes people of every race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, age, physical and mental ability, national origin, economic station, and political ideology to full participation in the life of our community."

Anyone interested in donating toward furthering St. Andrew’s widespread outreach in the community are invited to visit our website, or give at 

Or, those interested can reach out by e-mail at 

St. Andrew’s holds services every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at 910 Sioux San Drive. All are welcome! 

Banner untouchedThe banner before it was defaced by spray paint.