man talking

Need help finding a pet sitter? Interested in a free 30-minute consultation with an attorney? Seeking stress management counseling for yourself or a loved one? Your Employee Assistance Program can help with a wide range of work/life concerns—from relationship issues to senior care to dealing with identity theft. Join other clergy and lay colleagues at this webinar, presented by Cigna, to learn how your EAP works—and how it can make life easier for you and your household members. 

EAP Orientation Webinar

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

 Presenters will be Bill Dyment, MA and Andrew J. Brown, JD 

Psychologist, “Team” Doctor, and executive coach, Dr. Dyment is a leading expert in team resiliency and individual change. He is the author of several works—including his recently released Leaders’ Guide to Executive Coaching(February 2020). Bill Dyment, MA, PhD


Andrew is responsible for administration, implementation, and maintenance of benefit designs and plan policies for all Episcopal Church Medical Trust health and welfare plans. Andrew J. Brown, JD