September 21: 12:30p Eastern Time
Register here and sign up and hear from this 90-minute panel discussion and Q&A to learn about grant opportunities available from the United Thank Offering, Church Periodical Club, and Episcopal Women’s History Project.
Hosted by Sherri Dietrich, board president of the United Thank Offering, panelists include the Rev. Judy Graves, Joyce Landers, the Rev. Rowan Larson, and Sandra Squires. Learn more about the panelists and the webinar.
Finding funding for ministry projects or churches can feel like a daunting project. Join the United Thank Offering (UTO) on Thursday, September 21 at 12:30pm Eastern time for a 90-minute panel discussion (with time for questions) on grant opportunities from UTO, the Church Periodical Club (CPC), and the Episcopal Women’s History Project (EWHP). Please note: the first portion of the event will be recorded and shared after the event, however, when the moderator opens the Q&A portion it will not be recorded because individuals will be invited to come on screen and share their questions with the panel. Notes will be taken, however, and available with the recording about ten days after the event.