Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

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Throughout the month of June, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry received further testing and monitoring following a Memorial Day weekend hospitalization for internal bleeding and heart arrythmia.
Under the care of a cardiologist and an endocrinologist, Bishop Curry has followed orders to rest, and his medical team continues to closely monitor and treat his atrial fibrillation as well as an aortic aneurysm discovered June 16 during a transesophageal echocardiogram with cardioversion. His doctors are also conducting a variety of tests to diagnose and treat the cause of the original internal bleed.
While Bishop Curry will continue to work from home in July on a reduced schedule, his doctors have approved some travel. He plans to be present at Episcopal Youth Event and It’s All About Love—solely to preach at and participate in the opening services. He will continue to rest and engage in medical care during his usual August vacation.

See above to read the entire article.