Outreach & Mission
As Episcopalians, we believe that heeding Christ's call to discipleship requires that we strive to love our world as God does. We are called into a life of mission to our neighbors, whether they be right next door, in another part of our state or country, or on the other side of the world. Certainly, we are called because, through God's Grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, we witness to our experiences of the life-giving power of Christ's resurrection. But we also enter the world in mission and service as followers of Christ in the truest sense – more often than not, we do not serve in order to take Christ into the world, but rather to find humility as we discover that Christ has gone ahead of us and is already present in the actions, thoughts, lives, and stories of our neighbors.
In other words, we love, because He first loved us.
Below are a number of the ministries that the Episcopal Church in South Dakota, as a Diocese, supports. Beyond this list, individual congregations and missions also support a wide variety of local, national, and international ministries. If you are interested in the work of a particular congregation or mission in the Diocese of South Dakota contact Canon Rev. Dr. Lauren R. Stanley at lauren@episcopalchurchsd.org