Women wrapping a quilt around another woman

ECW Board Members

Diana Mathusrud (President) Email her.

Deanna Stands (Vice President) Email her.

Cora Koss (Treasurer) Email her.

Robin Bowen (Secretary) Email her

Sandy Magnavito (Scholarship Chair) Email Scholarships
255 Texas Street #412 Rapid City, SD 57701

The Rev. Mercy Hobbs (Chaplain) Email her

Upcoming Meetings

SPRING Meeting:
Location: TBA

Important Documents

Episcopal Church Woman

The Episcopal Church Women of the Diocese of South Dakota is an organization of lay women committed to one another and called to be a witness of Christ. We meet twice a year. In the spring we gather for fellowship, Christian formation and to plan for the Annual Fall meeting which is held in connection with the Diocesan Convention. The recipients of outreach funds are on a three-year rotating schedule between the Diocese/State, the Episcopal Church, and the worldwide Anglican Communion. We also award scholarships to Episcopal women of all ages who are furthering their education.

United Thank Offering (UTO) Grants

UTO Grant Applications will be available December 1 at the UTO page of the Episcopal Church.

Here you can find the necessary documents and forms for the ECW's scholarships. These files are Word documents, so make sure to open them to a platform that can support Word documents to retain the correct formatting.

For scholarship support please mail forms to:

Sandy Magnavito
255 Texas Street #412
Rapid City, SD 57701

ECW Honored Woman Nomination Form for 2025

The deadline for nominations is April 15

Special Projects

Send your offerings for the Annual Special Project,
your Annual Membership dues of $4.00 per Episcopal women in your congregation,
any scholarship donations, or memorials, including any other gifts.

All offerings you send directly to our treasurer:

Cora Koss, ECW Treasurer
23044 Palamino Lane, Rapid City, SD 57703

UTO (United Thank Offering) or CPC (Church Periodical Club) offerings are to be sent directly to the Diocesan office:

The Diocese of South Dakota
408 N. Jefferson Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501-2626

Don't forget to mark your check, UTO or CPC.

For questions regarding United Thank Offering please contact Diana Mathisrud

For questions regarding Church Periodical Club please contact Deacon Judy Graves