Two congregations become one community in Covenant Partnership
The Episcopal Diocese of South Dakota’s two oldest churches — St. Paul’s, Vermillion, and Christ Episcopal, Yankton — joined together on Sunday (March 19) to become the Episcopal Community of Southeast South Dakota.
The two congregations, both founded in 1860 by Missionary Bishop William Hobart Hare, signed a Covenant Partnership, enabling both to share a full-time priest, and to work together in all aspects of congregational life.
The Covenant Partnership, a new endeavor of the Diocese, is “marked by the agreement to work together toward a common goal, which is to spread the Good News of God in Christ Jesus,” according to the partnership agreement.

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Jonathan H. Folts, Bishop of South Diocese, address the congregation: “This is the beginning of a new chapter of God’s love in this part of the kingdom, right here, right now.”
The bishop donated the loose offering from the service, which normally goes to his discretionary fund, to the new community, and asked that it be used “to make a difference in the life of anyone who needs that difference to be made. You make it known that that offering is coming (a), because God loves you, and because God loves them, and you label this as a gift from Christ Church, Yankton, and from St. Paul’s, Vermillion, and the Episcopal Community of Southeast South Dakota.”
“Get the name out, let the people know that you are here, and most important, let them know of what you are doing,” he encouraged them.
Fr. Newago already has created a Facebook page for the Episcopal Community of Southeast South Dakota, where announcements for both congregations will be posted.
Robertson encouraged the congregations to remember, “This is not a limiting of services or Fr. Mike’s time, this is an expansion. An opportunity for all of us to share God’s ministry. As Canon Lauren says, this is an opportunity to come together, as a ‘woke' congregation. An opportunity to combine our efforts and do as Matthew 25 reminds us, 'Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ We can be that community.”

Bishop Folts addressing the congregation.

Canon Stanley reading the Covenant Partnership certificate.

Bishop Folts, Jon Robertson, and Fr. Newago celebrating after the service ...

The celebration continued ...

And continued ....

... until finally, they all took a breath!

Deacon John Keyes reads the Gospel.

Bishop Folts celebrates the Eucharist with Canon Stanley and Fr. Newago.